Good discussion about ivy elites chucking the values of the enlightenment into the dustbin of history to dust off the colonial project smoldering through low intensity genocide since 1947 under the mask of international law to a full blown holocaust with gaslight praise for its moral goosesteppers, fork tongued politicians, manaical billionaires and bald faced lying media. Husseini’s Substack makes a case for protests to be strategic by targeting the UN fora General Assembly Uniting For Peace resolution with teeth to end the daily slaughter.
It needs to be stated clearly, unequivocally: the governments of the entire West are very tightly Jew-controlled, irrespective of the color of those governments. That stranglehold has been slowly, unperceptible, yet inexorably increasing. It accelerated during the planned Covid scamdemic hoax, and has accelerated considerable since the start of the Jew-run mass slaughter on 7 Oct. 2023.
Sure, not all Jews are part of it. OTOH, people who still remain Jews or self-identify as such, are to some extent responsible. Saying "not in my name" is not good enough.
Having said all that, at the end of the day we, and I include myself as a non-Jew in that, are all responsible by letting our governments get away with supporting the slaughter; even the on-Western Chinese, Russian and Iranian governments are responsible because they are in a powerful position to do something tangible.
Good discussion about ivy elites chucking the values of the enlightenment into the dustbin of history to dust off the colonial project smoldering through low intensity genocide since 1947 under the mask of international law to a full blown holocaust with gaslight praise for its moral goosesteppers, fork tongued politicians, manaical billionaires and bald faced lying media. Husseini’s Substack makes a case for protests to be strategic by targeting the UN fora General Assembly Uniting For Peace resolution with teeth to end the daily slaughter.
It needs to be stated clearly, unequivocally: the governments of the entire West are very tightly Jew-controlled, irrespective of the color of those governments. That stranglehold has been slowly, unperceptible, yet inexorably increasing. It accelerated during the planned Covid scamdemic hoax, and has accelerated considerable since the start of the Jew-run mass slaughter on 7 Oct. 2023.
Sure, not all Jews are part of it. OTOH, people who still remain Jews or self-identify as such, are to some extent responsible. Saying "not in my name" is not good enough.
Having said all that, at the end of the day we, and I include myself as a non-Jew in that, are all responsible by letting our governments get away with supporting the slaughter; even the on-Western Chinese, Russian and Iranian governments are responsible because they are in a powerful position to do something tangible.