I am fully convinced he is the Final Anti-Christ

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Take note: Netanyahu is certainly of a long line of extremist national bloody, war crime Zionists, therefore anti-Palestinian, committed follower of his true father (who was a liar & murderer from the beginning), of Cain (first recorded killer of his brother), and of the progenitor of vengeful, ungodly Lamech, promoter of progressive violence, vengeance & corruption until the judgment of the whole Middle Eastern world at the time of Noah. NB our times.

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So well said, Kim! Nailed it…..!

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Kim? :D

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I mean Karim - senior moment 😐….

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Beautifully written!

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10 hrs agoLiked by BettBeat Media

Yes. Outing “the head tilt” is brilliant. Since we don’t like to say his name in our house I will share this article with family members and he will be forever after referred to as “the head tilt”. Thx for that.

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Glad to be of help!

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Yes, arrogance, hypocrisy, self-delusion, hatred, misanthropy - he epitomises them all - and worse.

Of course, all caring, compassionate and right-minded people are angered as well as horrified by the likes of demagogues such as Netanyahu and the others you mention. However, there is a major difference I see that separates Netanyahu from the others and although I believe I know why it is the case, I can't help but feel that, in a way, it is somehow even worse than all the perfidy for which Netanyahu is responsible.

To what do I refer? - World leaders and particularly those of so-called 'free world democracies', such as the USA, UK, Germany, Australia and etc. These 'leaders' (!) have allowed Israel to commit the most appalling crimes against Palestinians for many decades. Indeed, they were responsible for kow-towing to Zionists and creating Israel in the first place.

I have read people who. have lauded Jo Biden's speech to the UN General Assembly. That and other such praise and the hypocrisy of the month upon month of statements that the war must stop and there must be a ceasefire, whilst those very leaders are not only funding Israel but providing the armaments that they use to commit their atrocities. Not only that but the US is protecting Israel and has done since October 8 2023 when it sent a carrier group to the area, i.e. a warning to other Arab nations that they shouldn't get involved.

The 40,000 or more Palestinians killed, the destruction of Gaza, which it is estimated will take 80 years to rebuild, the sanctioning and assistance to illegal Israeli settlers on the West Bank to attack and assault Palestinians, set fire to their homes and cars and destroy their crops - all of these illegal acts condemned by the UN, the ICC, the ICJ and all rational, caring people across the World are facilitated because Netanyahu and his hard line cronies are protected by other World leaders who choose to do nothing but voice empty and hypocritical rhetoric.

It stinks. Perhaps that, 'looking the other way', 'playing down', or whatever it is may not be as bad as the killing and injuring and destruction - perhaps I'm wrong - but to me there is a sense in which it is even worse for, and believe me I don't like to say it but at least Netanyahu says he won't stop until Hamas and Hezbollah are eliminated and he will rise or fall with the result of the war. The other 'leaders' have nothing to lose and are still too cowardly to say and do the right thing.

No, I don't condone or defend the incursion by Hamas fighters on 7 October 2023 and the killing of 1139 Israelis and abduction of another 240. However, after what the Palestinians have suffered for over 70 years at the hands of Israel, it is understandable. An occupied people are also within their rights to fight to free themselves. In WWII people doing the same against the German occupiers were known as 'Resistance Fighters' and seen as heroes. To the German's, they too were terrorists.

It is time that humanity came of age. After 300,000 years we ought to be adult enough that we can recognise perfidy, recognise its causes and have ways of preventing it or stopping it.

Yes, I'm angry but I'm also ashamed to live in a so-called democracy whose government and opposition engage in this hypocrisy and worse.

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Absolutely. Full agreement here.

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Sep 25Liked by BettBeat Media

As we know, Mr. Netanyahu is a diagnosed psychopath. So is his wife Quelle surprise!

He’s also an insufferable bore and a man who thinks he can patronize people and lie to them because some aura of “genius” associated with his “destiny” hovers around him. And certainly, there is something to be said about his longevity in office. It is up to us to make the record. It is up to us to ensure that the truth is told - over and over again. It is up to us to make the name of Netanyahu synonymous with that of Hitler. It is up to us to ensure that the Israel he created; the Israel he now governs; the Israel that he alone is responsible is never mentioned without the obvious corollary: Nazi Germany; Lebensraum; the rape of Poland; the Final Solution; concentration camps.

He is not to be a footnote. He is to be a glaring example, harshly lit, endlessly scrutinized, studied, recorded, cataloged, reviled for a thousand years.

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