The West Unintentionally Cultivated Imperial-Resistant 'Superhumans'
By organizing outside the Western nation-state system, the Arab resistance represents the most successful and tenacious "immune response" to the unremitting onslaught of Western imperialism to date.

In a stunning display of courage and solidarity, Yemen, the poorest country in the world, recently struck back against Israel in the heart of Tel Aviv. This brave attack came in response to Israel's devastating genocide against the Palestinian people, being carried out at an unprecedented scale. The heroic resistance group Ansar Allah (a.k.a. ‘Houthis’) sent a drone from Yemen that exploded in Tel Aviv, killing one person. Israel retaliated by bombing Yemen's critical oil facilities, taking the lives of a dozen innocent Yemeni citizens.
The Yemeni resistance's unwavering solidarity with their Palestinian brethren represents heroism of the highest order. Their steadfast defiance in the face of crushing poverty and against the overwhelming military power of the American empire and its allies is an awe-inspiring testament of courage. After the retaliatory Israeli strikes, Yemenis responded with the heartrending sentiment: "Every bomb that falls on us, at least does not fall on our Palestinian brothers and sisters." This encapsulates the spirit of selfless sacrifice and unconditional love driving the Arab resistance.
The Nation-State System as Empire's Key Mechanism for Global Control
Sadly, many armies and governments in the Arab world remain beholden to the dictates of US empire, oppressing their own people into abject poverty and subjecting them to horrific abuses like rape and torture. Tyrants like Egypt's Al-Sisi and Mubarak before him epitomize the kind of selfish and servile dictators that the Empire imposes on the Arab people to control them. These puppet despots, slavishly obeying their imperial masters, do so at the ultimate expense - the welfare, dignity and honor of their own people. They are the embodiment of pathetic servility, a shameful stain on the Arab world's proud identity and heritage.
Egypt's experience has shown us that attempting to democratically vote one's way out from under the thumb of oppressors does not work. When the "wrong" government is voted in, like the Muslim Brotherhood, the Empire will simply overthrow it - even if genuinely popularly elected.1
Jordan's King Abdullah II epitomizes another prime example of pathetic servility. Defying his population's overwhelming support for the Palestinian struggle, he has consistently betrayed the resistance. His military forces shamelessly intercept and crush resistance attacks on Israel, laying bare his craven loyalty to Western imperial interests over Arab solidarity. More British viceroy than Arab leader, King Abdullah stands as a stark symbol of the Empire's corrosive influence over the region's corrupted rulers.
And then, of course, there is the case of Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman (MBS). A capitalist lapdog who actively colludes with Israel's genocidal campaign against his Palestinian brethren. MBS has facilitated land routes for the Zionist occupation to receive weapons and provisions, undermining the Ansar Allah blockade of sea supply lines to Palestine. Motivated solely by insatiable greed rather than dignity or solidarity, MBS provides the perfect spectacle of humiliation to delight his imperial masters.
What becomes glaringly apparent is that the overwhelming military, economic and political power wielded by the Empire, is a force so immense that most nations find themselves utterly unable to escape its hegemonic grasp. While discussions often focus on US military power and Dollar dominance, they frequently overlook a crucial method of control: the nation-state system. Crafted by European colonial powers, this system was designed to fragment regions into smaller, balkanized territories. These partitioned statelets cannot marshal sufficient independent might to break free from the Empire's overwhelming supremacy. The United States' unparalleled military and economic clout renders any notion of governmental defiance largely symbolic at best. Confronted with such implacable might, the sovereignty of the nation-state proves merely illusory.
Given this stark reality, the only viable path to breaking free from the Empire's constricting grip is through the emergence of decentralized, grassroots resistance movements. Their diffuse, non-hierarchical structures make them impervious to the standard tactics of deposing figureheads, leveraging economic sanctions, or blackmail schemes akin to the Israeli/Epstein model of exploiting the surprisingly prevalent hunger for illicit acts involving underage children among powerful Western men. These organic movements derive strength from their role defending the populace against the state oppression inflicted in service of Western imperialist interests.
The Cyclical Evolution Between the Axis of Resistance and Imperialism
Confronted with implacable imperial might, peoples' desires for self-determination and resistance to oppression have had to continually evolve and adapt. Just as microbes develop antibiotic resistance when their survival is jeopardized, populations denied their basic means of livelihood tenaciously evolve new mechanisms to resist their oppressive circumstances. However, much like the continuous arms race between bacteria and ever-stronger generations of antibiotics, the forces of domination co-evolve more advanced and destructive methods to reassert control.
This escalating cycle has played out in the West Asian theater. As Arab governments proved unable or unwilling to defy the Empire's diktats, including the Palestinian Authority, decentralized non-state groups emerged, unmoored from direct economic, military, and political ties to the Western, US-led order. These groups' resistance to the Empire evolved far beyond faux-resistance groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS, which ultimately fell short. Unlike those groups, they were not fundamentally susceptible to being compromised and co-opted by the Empire through the strategic distribution of money, weapons, and moral corruption.
The Birth of Imperial-Resistant 'Superhumans': West Asia's Unyielding Response to Western Imperialism
Thus the dialectic continued, with each phase of resistance sparking new modes of oppression, until highly resilient and adaptable resistance groups arose - firmly rooted in profound spiritual and cultural traditions that rendered them impervious to bribery, monetary enticements, moral and sexual depravity, military threats, or other conventional tools of Western subjugation. For those comprising the ranks of these movements, an unshakable faith eliminated the deterrent of death itself, while the material trappings of wealth and indulgence held no seduction.2 Deriving an inextinguishable tenacity from their spiritual wellspring of conviction and relentless persistence in the populist struggle, such groups emerged as a seemingly unbeatable adversary by the feeble standards of their governments, which remain addicted to the imperialist’s handouts of crumbs.
Indeed, in its relentless drive to subjugate the region through unbridled violence, the American Empire inadvertently cultivated the emergence of an adversary now resistant to its full arsenal of domination tactics - not unlike how the overuse of antibiotics incubates the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacterial superbugs. The endless cycle of escalating oppression and countervailing grassroots adaptation has finally produced a pluralistic resistance model akin to the creation of Arab 'superhumans' - grassroots forces impervious to the Empire's typical mechanisms of economic strangulation, regime change operations, and ideological co-optation. Through an alchemical process of spiritual tempering, a new manifestation of human resolve has arisen, fortified against even the most insidious tools of subjugation that have brought the mightiest nations to their knees.
The Mujahideen/Taliban in Afghanistan provide another potent example of this phenomenon. One can attempt to sanction an official government, or even forcibly replace it with a more pliant regime. However, the relentless bombing of their country for over 20 years achieved the opposite intended effect - it only steeled the resolve and strengthened the resistance. These organic grassroots movements, receiving broad popular support, function as an "immune response" to the unremitting onslaught of Western imperialist aggression and interference. Rather than being defeated, the more suffocating the oppression, the more virulent and implacable the mutated resistance grows in response.
No matter the economic strangulation through draconian sanctions, the forced installation of puppet regimes, or the relentless years of bombardment and invasion, the indomitable Mujahideen spirit could not be extinguished. Each phase of escalating oppression was matched by an equally tenacious evolutionary adaptation among the resistance - a testament to the incredible fortitude bestowed by their unwavering faith and moral convictions in defending their homeland. Where the imperialists employed the conventional tools of modern warfare and overwhelming force, the Mujahideen transcended a purely physical battle, fortifying the spiritual dimensions of their struggle.
Ultimately, the exhaustion of blood, treasure and credibility forced the American war machine to accept defeat and ignominiously withdraw - having failed to subjugate a resistance fueled by a spiritual intensity that rendered it impervious to even the mightiest mechanisms of military and economic coercion. This stunning repudiation exposed the limits of the Empire's overreliance on conventional instruments of domination against an adversary enlightened in the ways of spiritual warfare.
In Arab countries, where public opinion is overwhelmingly opposed to vassal governments serving the Empire's and Israel's agenda, recent decades have seen the steady growth of such independent grassroots organizations determined to resist imperial domination regardless of who holds official power. Hezb-Allah in Lebanon and Ansar Allah in Yemen have in many ways eclipsed the power of the official national armies. In forcing the development of these popular resistance movements through its unconstrained violence, the Empire has created an adversary it cannot decapitate.
Pan-Arabism: Defying the Westphalian Nation-State System
The emergence of the Arab resistance movements represents a profound repudiation of the hegemonic Western-imposed world order based on the contrived Westphalian nation-state system. They refuse to be bound by the artificial rules and constructs dictated by imperial powers determining who should govern Arab lands and what economic systems and incentive structures should drive societal decisions.
At its core, this resistance reasserts an organic unity that transcends the balkanized borders arbitrarily drawn by European colonizers to divide and weaken the region. In truth, Syrians, Yemenis, Egyptians, Algerians, Lebanese, Palestinians and others are not distinct nationalist identities, but part of one larger Arab family and civilization. Their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and spiritual bonds precede and outweigh the diplomatic fictions of modern statehood.
This pan-Arab awakening represents a grassroots renaissance reclaiming the region's sovereignty and self-determination from the shackles of imperial domination. No longer will Arab peoples accept their homelands being reduced to pliant statelets, geopolitically oriented to serve Western economic and military interests through the antiquated nation-state system crafted by colonial powers.
This starkly contrasts with the self-preserving, inter-Arab back-stabbings rooted in false borders and a constructed sense of 'national' differences among Arab ruling regimes—precisely the divide-and-conquer effects that Western imperialists aim to cultivate in the region.
The profound unity of the Axis of Resistance is evidenced by the unified, unconditional support for the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation. While kleptocratic Arab government puppets have repeatedly sold out and collaborated with the Zionist occupiers, the indomitable resistance fighters have exhibited an unwavering commitment to their Palestinian brothers and sisters. The heroic sacrifices of groups like Ansar Allah, striking at the heart of Tel Aviv to defend Palestinians, despite Yemen's dire poverty, embody this transcendent unity of purpose.
As the late Muammar Gaddafi aptly put it:
We are all Arabs. It is only when colonial powers came that they divided our vast Arab lands into countries named after cities. Suddenly, brothers and sisters became enemies.
The flourishing of transnational resistance groups reflects a return to that ancient conception of Arab brotherhood that defiantly transcends the imperialists' arbitrary borders and the national governments beholden to them. They are motivated solely by their love for all Arab children facing endless massacres by Western powers and their Israeli outpost.
Make no mistake, in its rapacious drive to subjugate and exploit, the Empire has unintentionally authored the very conditions for its inevitable demise.
- Karim
In all fairness, this undemocratic undermining of the people's will happens in Western so-called "democracies" as well. Too left-leaning individuals like Bernie Sanders in the U.S., Jean-Luc Mélenchon in France, or Jeremy Corbyn in the UK experienced the full wrath of the media, elite and political establishment to ensure their majority votes did not actually result in any position of governance.
This is perfectly reflected in the case where a handsome Ansar Allah fighter's picture was shared on social media and Western women drooled over his good looks, to which he responded, "Looks mean nothing to me."
Now the western world needs to learn how to do this.
Vice Admiral for Navel fleet stated Yemen blockade will not be defeated militarily and that it will only end through diplomacy. Wow!