4 hrs agoLiked by BettBeat Media

I'm unaware of Stein ever equating Netanyahu and Putin. To equate is to claim that two things are equivalent, the same; pointing out that both have violated the laws of war, hence are war criminals by definition, is not "equating" any more than pointing out that the commanding officer in charge of Abu Ghraib and George W. Bush are both war criminals. Of course they are, but after a war crimes trial, only the latter might be hanging by a rope, while the former would be living the rest of his life in a cage. Both are war criminals, but their crimes are not equivalent.

Excellent broader point though! It's interesting how the US foreign policy Blob has enough shame to STFU about their claims of "genocide" in Xinjiang in the face of mountains of evidence of actual genocide (act and intent) in Gaza, and none in Xinjiang; but not enough shame to stop demonizing Putin, an evidently lesser demon than themselves and their Israeli client state.

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It appears, though the numbers vary, that since Feb of ‘22, 11 to 12 thousand Ukrainian civilians have been killed and 70 thousand troops with two to three times more wounded. I was in Kyiv last September, 2023 and there was no evidence of war apart from sandbags and cordoned off government buildings and a ten pm curfew. I went through Lviv on the way, it looked the same. Both cities are or were very beautiful and vibrant, happy people though the young men seemed dour and stressed. This may be natural always, not war related but one feels for them tremendously.

The ignorance of the potential and current CICs seem to have decided the Palestinians are the Russians and the Israelis the Ukrainians. The Islamo Russian has been a composite US bogeyman for long years. Perhaps the media on the ground is human enough to send the evidence which CNN then censors according to their propaganda needs.

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7 hrs agoLiked by BettBeat Media

A picture is worth a thousand words, it just says all that needs to be said except it was the Soviets that defeated the Nazi's.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoAuthor

What do you mean by that last part? I did not discuss WW2. What am I missing?

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2 hrs agoLiked by BettBeat Media

Sorry, I was confusingly trying to point out the additional irony that if not for Soviet Union/ Russia, the Nazis would never been driven out of Ukraine and the genocide of Jews would have continued.

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Got ya.

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This is so well stated and indisputable. Seriously, what is the mainstream excuse for this?

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Yes, I had to put this down.

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