Thanks for articulating this important truth, Karim. Anyone who threatens the brainwashing of western people is not welcome by the perpetrators of it.

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In full agreement, Diana.

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Excellent article. I agree that alternative media and means of communication along with the growth of BRIC will lead to the downfall of the American Empire. However, as people become more informed and begin to make demands and take action, western states will use their police and military to suppress dissent and will do it brutally. If alternative economic and financial systems such as BRIC start to have an effect then the Empire will respond with war, possibly nuclear. This Empire would rather see humanity extinguished than not be in charge. I don’t know how we avoid that.

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I have exactly the same worries as you. I think the Empire rather goes nuclear than share any form of power. 'If not me, then no one' mentality.

And, about state repression....See what the Empire does in Palestine. This awaits us all if we let this happen any longer.

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In parallel the United States is internally deteriorating. Prices are rising by design while media debates the ‘mythology’ of inflation.

Healthcare systems have become complex parasitical systems transferring tax dollars allocated to healthcare into the hands of investors and corporate executives.

Medical societies like media organizations have largely been coopted by the enterprise.

Housing costs rise while quality falls.

Homelessness is criminalized in service of the economic and political power of the carceral system…

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24Liked by BettBeat Media

This is a very interesting read, Karim. To further satisfy my interest I will read the Coutts article and watch the two videos referenced. This topic is one that I became implicitly aware of through listening to news reports and political commentary. Alarms go off whenever I hear talk of Xinjiang, Iranian or North Korean "human rights abuses" or "Hamas terrorists". Yet, the same sources remain silent on an explicit Israeli genocide and Ukrainian attacks on civilians. I appreciate the additional sources (documentary and academic journal).

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My pleasure!

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Aug 28Liked by BettBeat Media

The Empire cannot tolerate questions or critics. They are stuck in flight forward mode.

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Much obliged!

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